04 January 2011

The current book I'm reading is "Protocal Handbook for the Leather Slave" by Dr Robert Rubel.  In his book Mr. Rubel describes the slaves urges and desires as this:

"A slave eats, sleeps, washes, exercises, takes medication, and so on in order to remain healthy and available for service.  slaves labor at tasks assigned by their Master or hold an outside job so that they can contribute to the Master's household and not be a financial burden.  Anything a slave is allowed to do for personal gratification is a gift from their Master, not a right.  When this aspect of slave heart is realized, slaves start to find peace in their lives". (Rubel, 2008, pg 24-25).

Now clearly this is an intense example of living.  But to be honest, the idea of that is an erotic one to say the least.  A while ago (a few years) I had long hair.  Very long hair actually.  And prior to cutting it I asked my partner what he thought, what he wanted my hair to look like, style, ect.  He said he didn't care, that it was my hair and I should do with it what I wanted.  He sometimes gets frustrated because I'll ask him how I could dress that he'd enjoy, or if there was something I could do to better myself for him.  Most times I get that same response, to do what I want.  That response is upsetting, but most upsetting is the "I don't care" response.  I have a roommate who is very involved in the leather community, and is a puppy to a master who lives out of state.  He visits him almost every weekend though.  My roommate approached me, asking me if I'd proofread his contract he wrote with his Master, as well as telling me week in and week out all the fun things he and his Master do.  I guess I'm telling this story because his Master has very specific things he seeks from him.

Things like going to the gym regularly to muscle up and get in better shape.  Things like not eating certain types of foods because they are bad for him, or wearing certain types of underwear, chastity devices, ect.  All of these things are hard for me to listen to, and yet I do...because even though its hard to hear because I'm jealous, I want to hear because it in a way offers me a chance to live vicariously through his experiences.  Maybe that is sad.  I don't really know.  I've been going to the gym with my roommate since November, and I am seeing improvements in my body (muscle, strength, stamina, ect).  But I long to have someone hold me accountable for it.  Right now I try to go for myself, to feel better about myself.  But that often doesn't feel enough.  I want someone to hold me accountable for when I slip up, and to give me purpose and direction for when I do well. 

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