A blog detailing the life of Bailey, a mid 20's submissive leather pup trying to find and better himself
31 December 2011
New Years Eve
27 December 2011
On skin and health.
26 December 2011
The holidays for a kinky puppy
12 December 2011
11 December 2011
A cold night
05 December 2011
21 November 2011
13 November 2011
I wrote this on the plane...
My trip to visit Papa was fantastic beyond words. This also made leaving harder than when I left the first time. I remember the first time being plagued with fear…what did it mean, what was I doing, would he like me, would I be welcome back…those kind of things.
This time (as I've spoken about previously) those issues were not the same as this time. This time was more practical. Would my skin behave, would he have the same interest he had before, ect ect. I truly am my own worst enemy.
In my eyes, the almost 5 days I spent with Papa were magical. I had many new experiences…not to mention, as I'm writing this on the flight back to the West Coast, my nipples are almost raw, which is a nice feeling. There was fantastic sex (the best I've ever had to be sure), but also there was an overwhelming calm I had.
I once had a coworker as me if I was an anxious person. At first, my mind said "of course not, I'm a mellow guy" which is how most people who know me describe me. But its a facade. I'm not terribly mellow…in fact, ever since about the age of 16 or so I have functioned at a moderate level of anxiety that regularly spikes due to my environment. Sure, I know coping skills, but when you go back to the same environment they soon wear out. We are landing, will finish this post later.
07 November 2011
Faithfully, bailey
02 November 2011
Lately I have felt a bit like a pain just because I've been this needy ball of submissive energy in regard to messaging him. I think it's a mixture of wanting to make sure he realizes how important it is to me to serve and please him but also to show I'm engaged in the power dynamic. The past two days I've been trying to back off a bit and not appear crazy 8)
At home things have been a little crazy, what with school stuff and work. I feel like I pass out rather than go to bed. When I "sleep" its fitful and not too good. Interesting how that changed while I was on the East Coast visiting Sir last time. I feel calm and relaxed around him, something I never feel in my day to day life. It's a very good thing.
21 October 2011
a gift
20 October 2011
17 October 2011
15 October 2011
Another Rinella book
14 October 2011
Jealousy and other thoughts
One of the books I have (“On Becoming a Slave” by Jack RInella) has a fantastic chapter in it written by his boy, Patrick regarding multiple partners, polyamory, and the nature of leather families and M/s relations. I wanted to reprint part of that here as a quote.
…Sir doesn’t belong to me. A slave belongs to the Master. The idea of being owned as property by a master is one of the primary reasons someone seeks slavery; so, it should follow that prospective slaves arnt seeking to own the relationship….The thought of him or her as “yours” can lead the way to possessiveness, which then leads to jealousy, which breaks down trust, which affects obedience, and so on.
09 October 2011
Another text down and some insights
One of the points of that the book makes is that when we do something for others, we strive to be selfless. We strive to not obtain a sense of pride from the (inherent) activity, because we are doing it out of obedience. Pride denotes a sort of ownership of the activity and the outcome. This is one of those things that I'm still thinking on. One of the points he made struck a chord with me though. In regard to "seeking" attention or response from a Master, a grateful slave wrote that this activity was problematic if not dealt with properly. The problem wasn't desiring to be nearer to the Master, the problem was the idea that the slave would know better than the Master. Simply put, if Master wanted to contact you or wanted you at his side, he would call you to it. The slaves job then, is to be available at beck and call to serve, and that if Master has not called you to him, you are doing his will BY NOT being there with him. The same idea is true of a task. :
If Master wanted the laundry done, slave would do the laundry. However, if Master got pleasure out of doing the laundry himself, the slave insisting or believing he should be doing the laundry is deriving the Master of pleasure and is contrary to the job of the slave.
This struck me because I often have these feelings. Sometimes I have in my head ideas for a ritual to do with him, or an activity I would like to perform for him. But in these actions, if Master does not want these activities, it is my job and duty to honor this (and by honoring it, honoring him). I like this idea. It is also a part where I know He can be very busy and has a busy life. There is nothign wrong with me contacting him, but I have slowly gotten better and moved away from the expectation of contact. I am grateful for his attentions when he gives them, and when he is busy I try to better myself for when he engages me again.
Now that I have finished this book, my next is Partners in Power (again by Mr Rinella). I have read two of his other books, so while some might be a refresher, I was always a fan of life long learning. I also have Rubel's "Master/slave Relations" - Theory and Practice to keep my subby brain busy.
04 October 2011
A blog from last night
As I was reading , something clicked in me at a level I had not felt (when alone) for many years. When I was in Papa’s home I felt it though. I felt it simply huddling at his feet…something that I think surprised him the first time I did it for no other reason than to be that close to him.
I felt “right”. When I was visiting Papa I had not gone with the expectation that he would take me as his or that he would offer me the chance to serve him. To be honest I thought the opposite. That changed when we met in person, but I think it’s important that I did not go with the knowledge that it existed as a possibility. I went on feeling, on desire…and I found myself finding joy in small tasks that in themselves lacked any real erotic aspect.
Master had told me he was to have friends over that evening for a BBQ and asked me to help him get ready for it. I found myself cleaning the grates on the grill to a degree that I think some felt was unnecessary as we were going to be grilling on it again that evening. I found myself cleaning up his kitchen, and finding joy in taking out his garbage. Even simply carrying the groceries out of the store, to the car, out of the car and to his home registered in me something that said “This is what you do, this is what feels right”.
I wore Master’s chain that entire trip, save the times he removed it from my throat when I would shower. I still wear it…although on work days I have to keep the chain and tag concealed under work wear.
In SlaveCraft, a grateful slave states that slaves often need to re-center themselves. We do this through a number of ways, sometimes by reminding ourselves of the moments when we were in our place, others by touching our collars, and still others simply by having contact with our Master who reminds us of our purpose. I find myself in those words. Sure, I will sometimes tug at Master’s collar to remind me and re-center me that distance is not forever. I also know that my collar has 14 links in it, connected at the middle by a ring. But more than the physical tug, I often find myself messaging him, selfishly wanting his contact. In some ways, I originally saw that contact and that yearning as me being willful and selfish. But something in the text caught my eye.
A grateful slave states that the difference between a submissive or a bottom and a slave is not necessarily in action but rather in intent. He uses the example of licking Master’s boots. A submissive or a bottom licks Master’s boots because it turns him on, and because Master wants it. When he does this, they both get what they want., but they get them from different aspects. Submissive gets pleasure out of the act, Master gets pleasure out of the act. But when the submissive cums or is no longer interested, he stops. The slave only stops when he can no longer physically perform the task or is instructed to stop. Master gets what he wants and gets pleasure out of the act. The slave gets pleasure out of Master getting pleasure. This is the key.
When I brought Master his drinks, served his friends drinks, and waited until last to eat, I found pleasure in Master being pleased with my performance. And its not that I did it for sex…when Master put me in chastity for two weeks, I found pleasure in it because it gave him pleasure.
Looking back on my life, I realized most of my actions were in service to others and those things brought me pleasure. I was directed to religion out of a sense of service to some higher power. My profession is inherently directed at serving other people and is something I am good at. I always felt like I functioned best in submission to others, but true joy came from those who recognized and honored my submission. I found that in Master. In Frank Hebert’s Dune, the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood’s motto was “We exist only to serve”. I don’t think I exist only to serve…but I do think my service gives my existence so much more happiness and meaning.
27 September 2011
After I posted on the 21st about receiving the tag, a few days later Sir messaged me to let me know he had updated his online profiles with me as his. It was a humbling experience to be sure...as I received the text in a grocery store. Using my web browser I logged into the site and there it was...and I just stood there in the middle of the dairy aisle smiling like a goofy idiot and trying not to get overly emotional. Sure, he had sent me the tag before and I knew he meant it, but to see such a public display made me proud and feel like I had a sense of purpose to uphold his honor. I don't say that flippantly either. It was a feeling that my actions now publicly reflected upon him, and I didn't want to do anything that might cast him in ill light.
The conference I went to was so so. I had fun dancing one of the nights but to be honest, the rest of the con was a big let down. I think a lot of it was that I really wanted to spend time with my roommate and maybe cuddle in bed. I talk about this with Sir a lot because although he is a poly person, I like to ask before I ever do anything at all. He is one of the only people who really understands my need for physical contact and emotional intimacy (I like authentic, deep discussions and being held, what can I say). Anyway, I should wrap this up and get to bed...got classes and work in the morning.
I hope I have a good dream. I have a lot to look forward to.
21 September 2011
Other than that...I noticed a sense of accomplishment in myself. Sir said I was a good boy and he sent me a reward for my training. I received that reward in the mail today and I choked up. It was an ownership tag to go on the chain collar he gave me. His note said I earned it...and I knelt down on the carpet and put my forehead against the ground and breathed. It is what I have wanted for a long long time with him. Years really. I didn't really get to talk to him about it after I received it, but I held the note a long time and just kept my head down on the carpet. I'm very thankful right now.
Tomorrow after work I'm heading to a convention, but I wish I was going to visit him instead (or that he'd be there). I need to make sure I put the tag on the collar properly so it doesnt fall off (the hook that came with it had me a bit confused as to how to keep it from falling...I dont want to lose it...). I'm rooming with my roommate, his master, and their friend...but I'll probably spend most of the time writing and working on school stuff.
I'm a lucky boy. A very lucky and very proud boy to wear his tag. I hope I make him as proud as he makes me.
12 September 2011
A lock, a key, a mission (hopefully no scar)
Saturday marked the one week point in chastity. Sir had told me if I made it one week unlocked, I could petition him for another week, this time locked. I jumped at the chance. Now I know I'm a masochistic puppy. The first week has been maddening to say the least. It's not simply the inability to get off (tho for someone who would easily go twice to three times a day, thats part of it). The hardest (hah!) part is that I cannot achieve a full erection in the device, so when my body decides to become aroused (either by thoughts, images, having to piss..hormones, morning wood, ect) I swell up in the device and it aches and in the case of morning wood, I wake up painfully aware that my orgasms are not mine to control.
I also have to sit down to piss, which let me tell you...that's a very reinforcing reminder. The way you go about cleaning with the device on, to the way you bathe to keep clean and all is involved (not time consuming, just something you need to keep on top of) and as such, is another reminder in my head. And while my bathing regimen isn't exactly arousing, having to sit down to piss by necessity has been very arousing and also very...constant. It's not humiliating and I wouldn't say there was shame with it. It's more of a "this is how a locked up boy takes a piss", and so on top of the gentle tug at all times by the device, I have this physical muscle memory type of thing going on.
I hope that didn't sound convoluted. It's hard to put some of this into words. Anyway, on Saturday I locked the device and drove to the airport post office (it's open till 10pm everyday, and in my case, a letter sent priority mail from a major hub like that will arrive today on the opposite coast, despite not flying on Sunday. So Sir will have the key today hopefully. I also included a note, just because I think the realm of written letters is not one that should be lost. It takes more energy and effort to write a letter, put postage on it and send it. I hope he approves.
08 September 2011
When You Come Home
I waved good-bye through the window
As I boarded the plane,
My first job in Houston
Was waiting for me
I found a letter from Poppa
Tucked in my coat
And as I flew down the runway
I smiled when he wrote:
I'll miss you, son,
You'll be so far away
But I'll be waiting for the day
When you come home
No matter how far,
Run through the door
And into my arms
It's where you are loved,
It's where you belong,
And I will be here
When you come home
06 September 2011
9-6-11 blog post
Today is my first day at my new training site. I'm not terribly excited about it to be honest due to the circumstances surrounding why I'm there instead of where I really want to be. But why am I posting about that here? Well, I found out something about my chastity device…
Under a pair of khaki's, even with a jockstrap covering it, it looks like I have wood due to the way the head of the device pushes forward. Add a tucked in shirt and its more noticeable lol. I'll have to figure out some other way to deal with this. We shall see.
05 September 2011
An assignment
Yesterday Sir gave me a chastity assignment with the BoyTrainer silicone chastity device he gave me when I visited him last. Sir had given me chastity assignments in the past, but these assignments lacked a device, I could get erections and the like, I just wasn't allowed to jerk off or have an orgasm. At noon yesterday, 9-4-11 I put the device on. The assignment is one week with it on, but unlocked, with daily pictures of me wearing it under my jock. When Sunday rolls around again if I've been good and done this, the lock goes on. (As I type this, I'm getting a painful erection). If I make the second week, I get a mystery reward.
While the idea of a mystery reward sounds great, I have to admit that after last night, this will be more difficult than past assignments. The device fits great (although it is an absolute chore to get it on...maybe my balls are too big, I dunno) but when you get an erection, it is painfully tight and at first it felt kinda good, but when you are trying to sleep its the last thing you want. It will also necessitate sitting down to piss, which while making me blush, is something I find oddly hot. It is really a reminder that someone else has control of your puppy parts.
I woke up in the night with a painful erection and actually had to sit up and wait for it to go down. I find that the morning "gotta pee" erection is one I will have to deal with delicately, as hardons go down much slower when you are wearing a device that constricts in some fashion. That being said, it has been almost 24 hours and I'm doing good. I'll keep this blog updated on my progress.
03 September 2011
A week in review
When the week was coming up, I had all of these ideas in my head. Some of them fantasies, some of them were ideas about how productive I would be with the writing I should have gotten done in the week. I should have gotten all this writing on my dissertation done and I should have gotten more research done. In terms of the fantasy portion, I had these ideas of what I would do with a week with the house to myself. Even though I knew I wasn't going to be trolling Craigslist or anything to have men at the house, I did have some sort of thing in my mind of what that amount of free time would mean. The reality of the week was different.
I found myself on my computer a lot and watching Netflix. I ran typical errands and took care of the dog, but I found myself wanting attention and contact with someone. I wandered down to a New Age bookstore that I had never been to and walked in. A bearish man was paying no attention to me and had his nose buried in an accounting book. So I looked around. I found two books that stood out to me. One of them was "The Path of a Christian Witch", a book that I have almost finished. The book tells the story of a Canadian woman raised Catholic and her interaction and ultimate blending of Christianity and Paganism (I'll talk more about this in a minute). The second book was called "Scared Paths for Men" and had a picture of the Green Man on the cover. I haven't started it yet (it's after a Leatherboy text I'm reading) but it is supposed to discuss rekindling the masculine divinity in a Wiccan world where the focus is almost entirely upon the Goddesses and how to live the masculine in the day to day world. I figure being a submissive gay boy I could relate to the masculine. Anyway...
I was raised in a fundamentalist Christian household. My folks were Bible thumpers who belonged to a very strict sect of Christianity that forbade alcohol, dancing, and women wearing pants (dresses only). You get the idea. Anyway, after I was kicked out of two churches due to being out in a small town I discovered a Unitarian church that had a pagan group. I went to their moon phase rituals in the forests of the southern state I lived in because I felt a deep connection with nature and the ritualistic aspect of what we were doing. I came upon a contradiction, but like being gay and Christian, I sorta wrote some of it off and just did it anyway. When people online would ask (my only connection outside of the pagan group), I'd say I was "Christopagan" which I thought I had made up. Apparently not, as there are books and websites on it now. At the time I had this attraction and infatuation with Pan, the Greek God of the fields, the shepherd, and of fertility and agriculture. Looking back, Pan held a deep connection with me because he came around at a time when I needed him. I was having trouble finding who I was sexually and being comfortable with being a hairy gay boy in a sexually repressed area, religion, and family.
Although the pagan group was totally female oriented and balked at Pan (they felt he was a symbol of the patriarchy, I kid you not) and almost always focused on the Goddess...I ended up doing what I felt were rituals alone in my bedroom. When I moved, I took the mini altar with me but left behind a lot of my books. In the midwestern state I moved to, I had an altar but was not living with people who appreciated it or were accepting, so I didn't practice at all. This was the time in college when I was introduced to the Hindu god Ganesh, and he clicked with me as well in a very different way. As the remover of obstacles and the diety of students and livelong learners, it made sense. But again, I didn't practice, I just read about him a lot, had pics of him I liked and had a statue of him on my mini altar.
Fast forward to this week. After having not practiced or done anything, it came rushing back and I felt drawn to the bookstore. I picked up more sage for smudging, but something was missing. I drove clear across town to the only other "New Age/Occult" shop I knew of and bought an abalone shell and a pouch of tobacco. I went home and smudged the house and myself with sage. It was a very intense experience and the smell of sage quite literally brought me to tears. It all came rushing back in a whirlwind I couldn't control. That night I was sitting at my computer...smelling of sage...and all I wanted was to talk to somebody about what was happening. In many ways I wanted guidance on what to do, what kind of ritual would help get back into it, ect. Sir was going to bed and told me to do whatever felt right and we'd talk about it the next day. Except, nothing felt "right". All of this hadn't been touched or unearthed in me for almost a full decade. I started looking for people I knew online, anyone I knew who identified as a gay pagan....but everyone was either offline in bed, or busy playing games online and didnt want to be disturbed.
I sat on the couch feeling "cried out". I was emotionally worn down. I guess I passed out on my couch because I woke up three hours later lacking any knowledge of what happened to the TV (it was on when I passed out) or why it was now 3am, and I had a searing headache. I crawled in bed, lit some sage and prayed. I just had an overwhelming feeling of being alone tho. I didn't feel anything other than a) I'm doing something wrong and b) I don't want to be alone right now.
The next day I was just...lost feeling. Sir asked me how it went and I told him honestly. I tried the next night and it felt more like prayer with props, but maybe that's how it works for right now. This post has quickly become longer than I thought....
Anyway, the rest of the week (and the time before) was spent reading, watching Netflix and probably drinking more than I usually do. With the exception of the days I did the rituals when I didnt drink at all, I had drank on the other days more than I typically would. Other than the extra calories (which I don't need) it wasn't to excess which was good. Besides, school, work, and people return starting tomorrow night and Monday, so it'll be back to me being quiet in the house, unable to watch or listen to what I want or to play games when I want. And maybe that's for the best.
Alone and left to my own devices, I tend to want connection with others. There was this film called "A Home at the End of the World" which has a poly relationship in it and the way the families we choose change over time. The film touched me on a level few films had because I felt like the main character. There is this touching scene where the main character Bobby (played by Colin Farrell) is playing with an infant and the female lead says "Is there anything you couldn't do?" in reference to his being able to be at home and adapt to so many different life situations. Bobby keeps his eyes on the baby and says "I couldn't be alone..." And that's how I feel. It's not that I need people with me all of the time, its that I feel safest and most comfortable when in service to someone, when I can touch and be touch and feel connected. I'm very much a pack animal in that way I guess.
A pack animal by himself in a big house who is still trying to find himself and his place in the world. I have a trip booked back to the Northeast in November. I miss Sir terribly. It might sound sappy, but even the brief phone call chats or text messages he sends me make my day. I miss him daily, and most of my thoughts and actions are directed at how to be better for him and to make him happy. I hope I succeed at that. I want to go back home to him.
30 August 2011
A name, a trip, and the journey.
Sir read my post and thought on the idea of a name for me. He came up with one that has a powerful meaning to him and to me as well. I really like it. I won't share the meaning here as it is a bit more personal, but the name is Bailey. I really love it. It fits, and hearing him say it was shiver inducing to say the least. '
I also booked a flight out to see him again in November. It'll be another five day trip. It's going to be a long two months leading up to the visit...
21 August 2011
New beginnings
A fellow pup told me today that even tho I've gone by a nickname for a long time in the furry world, I needed a "puppy" name. I had never thought of this, as honestly, I always answered to boy, pup, puppy, bitch, or faggot as called lol. But my nicknames were not "puppy enough" according to this guy. I don't know if its true. But a part of me loves the idea of being named much in the same way you are given a name in the American Indian tradition. A name that fits who you are, and can change as you change. I might like that very much. Maybe if I find my balls I will ask my Dom what he thinks of such an idea :)
10 August 2011
Change and the future
This past week I was on the East Coast visiting my Papabear (previously referred to as the special Dom I spoke of). I've always thought of him as Papabear, but this weekend was one of new beginnings, continued friendships, and hopeful futures. In an attempt to not be sappy and to protect his identity (if he gives me permission, I will expand...but in the end the important thing is the role he plays in my life).
I flew out to the East Coast on a red eye flight from the West Coast. I landed in the morning and took the subway and a commuter rail to the station where he picked me up. The whole train ride from the airport had me nervous...nervous that I'd miss my stop, that when I got to the station it would be as if this was any other weekend for him, ect. All of it was unfounded to be honest. I wrote a significant portion on the flight out there as well as on the flight back, but those are for his eyes only.
The whole trip was wonderful. To be honest, to quote the alien from the movie "The Explorers" it was "the stuff that dreams are made of". What struck me the most from the trip is that it wasn't the sex that I have been thinking of since I got back. Sure, it's there (and was awesome) but it was the other service activities....making Papa's drink, keeping it filled, cleaning and trash type duties, keeping his friends drinks full...ect. He addressed me as boy or pup the whole time, it didnt matter who we were around. I wore his collar, it was wonderful. We reconnected in person which was wonderful and I realized there that I had relaxed to a degree I hadn't in ages.
Everything felt normal and right. I felt relaxed with him, and although I didnt sleep much, I havent felt a lack of stress like that for years. Leaving was hard. I didn't want to leave...I didn't want it to end. Going to sleep at night was hard because I didn't want the next day to come and the current one to end. The thing is...it wasn't like a vacation type thing. When one goes on vacation and you go to touristy things and do "special" things, you expect that it is different than normal life. But the joy of the trip was going to the "normal" haunts, going to the store, having the pals over that come over often to grill...that was what made it special. Because I realized...that life was possible. It wasn't a special thing like when one Honeymoons in Hawaii, it was real life, and it was wonderful.
I don't mean to gush, but he is a handsome bear. He's dominant and strong and has the biggest heart. I felt safe with him, I felt content. Most of all...I felt I was at home. Leaving home was the hardest thing I had to do...and coming back to the "walking on eggshells" life I'm living in my current situation made it all the more difficult. I miss him so much, but I'm hopeful to visit as soon as I can again.
10 July 2011
On service and wine
I work with addictions a lot in my job. I see people who use/abuse chemicals and people who try something and become addicted so easily. I also then look in my own life and realize that my body has never worked "typically". My liver enzymes go DOWN when I drink (the opposite should be true), even when I smoked a cigar on occasion in my youth or the occasional cig, I never had the "urge" to smoke again. It never became an addiction. Pain medications never worked in my body, they didn't relieve pain OR make me high. Those sort of things. The only drug that ever "worked" for me was alcohol.
While I have not (thankfully) ever become addicted to alcohol or "needed it", I do enjoy alcohol a great deal. Which sometimes crosses over into sexual things. Alcohol loosens me up, it makes me feel less awkward. It allows me to feel comfortable with my urges and desires, and my need to affection and touch. I don't need it to open up or to have sex, but sometimes with the right people it influences the conversation, allows for more honesty, and was a way that I found myself allowing my mind to sink more into submission.
My relationship with alcohol began when I was 17 and visiting a friend's 4th of July party. He was much older (mid 20's) and I was dating a man in his 40s. The mid 20's pal gave me some malted beverage that was like...8%ABV. Nothing happened that weekend other than I found my face flushed a lot when a little alcohol (which went away when I got older). But I loved the feeling. I could not drink much in undergrad because I worked full time just to support myself through school. When I entered graduate school, that changed. I lived with people who had a lot of alcohol, who drank in moderation (or often), and did not tease me, or treat me like I was a bad person for liking alcohol. Previously in my life alcohol had been demonized by religious family or by people who believed becoming drunk was the same as being an alcoholic.
I've never had sex drunk (just never happened), but I've done a lot of solo searching drunk, and here is what I've found.
1. Serving another man alcohol is almost a religious experience for me in submission. To make a man's drink, or fetch him a drink is something I love. It's akin to lighting someones cigarette. It just makes me feel submissive.
2. Drinking alcohol off of another person's body is erotic to me. Them kissing me with a mouthful and pushing it into my mouth, drinking it as it's poured down their cock...that's aces.
3. I dig watersports, and boozing helps that happen as well as dilutes it to make it more palatable.
4. I'm a happy, playful puppy when im tipsy. I rarely get sad when drinking, and while I have drank to numb before, its not something I like.
I purchased something special for the dom im visiting in August. I think he'll like it. It's a special booze that I'm hoping he will let me mix up for him. We'll see.
19 June 2011
Blowpony - Pride 2011 Edition
I was on my knees a lot out of suit helping my roommmate in and out of his outfit, which that was nice. I forgot how good it felt to help take someones boots off for them. Too bad that's where it ended. Oh well. That's why I'm the sidekick.
06 June 2011
The special dom who I sometimes mention here gave me an assignment and while I won't put the details in here until I know he is cool with that, I was pretty stoked to say the least. More than stoked really. It has brought up a surge of feelings within me though, some of which are new and some of which are a little scary. The new things involve chastity where its not simply a "I'm going to hold off jerking for a while to make the end result more powerful". My history of chastity is slim despite having wanted to do those things for a long time. A lot of that is I never understood other subs I knew who would buy their own chastity device and simply wear it "just because". It wasn't that they bought it, it was that they were wearing it simply to wear it. That takes a lot of it's magic away to me. It's like wearing a collar that you bought just to wear it. Sure, it can be fun and fashionable, but it doesn't have the meaning or power it does if someone else puts it on you.
I'm not afraid I will fail at the task. I have the will power to keep my paws off my junk and the like. My fear is that I will ask for too much, or request too much attention. It's something I need to work on. Part of it is because every power dynamic, even between the same people is different from time to time. I have friends who the Masters who hold their contracts/leashes want to know where they are and what they are doing at all times. Other subs I know have masters who only want them when they are horny. I think most people fall into the middle somewhere. I don't know where (if anywhere) this assignment or meeting in August will lead things. Maybe no where, maybe somewhere. Regardless, I am going to stay in the moment, do my best, and try to make him proud. I'd love for it to go to something longer term (not specifically the chastity, tho that has been fun too), more of the over all power dynamic.
Oh yeah, and it makes my already high 26 year old libido even higher, which is aces. ;)
30 May 2011
I humbly apologize
This month has held interesting events for me. My first big fetish house party, the further introspection into the pain in my personal life, and a push to return back to my slave heart. It hasn't been easy, but I'm trying. Don't ever let anyone say I didn't give my all.
My special dominant and I had a series of talks which left me with a lot to think about. Some of it is still fuzzy to me, others so crystal clear that it cut me. Either way, I'm visiting him in August. I don't know what all will happen, but I am so happy to get to finally see him, and rub his feet. I mean it when I say I could deal with it if sex didn't happen, as long as I got to kiss him and give him nightly foot rubs.
In my other areas of life things are stressful. I find myself purusing BDSM sites or whatever in my free time because it makes me feel better. My roommate and I went to a local fetish/queer event this weekend, and while I won't post what heppened here out of respect to his privacy, it reminded me how much I want that life. Also how good it feels to have someone say "Good boy..." in a soothing, almost cooing voice.
08 May 2011
My special dom allowed me to wear his collar (a collar of consideration it is called) which made me very happy. We are both trying to figure out what it means in the context of our history and experiences, but needless to say I have to watch myself to not go "too far" as I typically do. See, I have this thing where I crave validation and attention from those closest to me. Particularly this dom, as getting a text from him quite literally can cheer a bad day up into a good one. The part where I go too far is that sometimes I seek his attention, or want to do something to show off for him that I think might make me look a touch crazy. Maybe thats not fair to myself, but I'm very much a guy who keeps his phone on him at all times. So I have a habit of texting often or sharing pics, which can make things weird at times. So I try to rein that stuff in.
I've always been an awkward guy. I'm less awkward in person and really want to ask him if I can visit, but I didn't meet the thing we agreed upon yet for me to visit...which makes me both sad and motivated. I Hope I can do it...I fear I can't. I think subs are always harder on ourselves than doms are on us.
19 April 2011
On my silence...
I can't say that I didn't know it was going to come eventually. While I had secretly hoped that things would change, I'm educated enough to know that people don't change when they don't want to. I'm also educated enough to be ignorant of my situations. The "well, it's different when it's you" thing. Regardless, the end of my relationship has caused a welling up of thoughts and feelings with in me. Not the least of which has been a sexual pull back to the things that burned so brightly in me prior to the relationship five years ago that slowly dimmed over time.
I've had the urge to reconnect with gay culture more, go out and dance more, and I've been hitting the gym since November (and starting to see results that make me happy). Since the end of my relationship, I've also noticed a mental crack in that facade I had before. My ex spent a lot of time saying negative things about certain groups of people ("freaks" he sometimes called them) and would not engage me in the very things he once said he was also into (like puppy play and the like). At the time it seemed to make sense and be related to stresses at work and life in general.
Over time tho, I vacillated between wanting it and feeling bad for wanting it, and telling myself I didn't want it to make not getting it hurt less. And as I've come to realize….I spent so long telling myself I didn't want it that now I need encouragement to get back into it. Luckily I have someone who wants to help me get back into it, but I'll admit, like most people who act skeptical about a lot of things, a lot of what is keeping me shy of it is fear.
Fear that it'll complicate things at the house. Fear that my name might get out there too much and it damage my professional career…lots of fears. It'll take time to not instantly react with skepticism…but I'm working on it.
21 March 2011
willful puppy love
I laid on the couch and took a nap...and had a dream I lived in this apartment where I went around in gear most of the day and did all of my activities at home in gear. It was an oddly hot fantasy...though clearly not something "real". We all know 24/7 isn't really an option.
20 March 2011
On slutty stories and whorish fantasy
13 March 2011
A brief update
This weekend I completed a task for a special Dominant in my life. I realized when I was texting him after emailing the results that I wanted to call him Master. I wanted to badly...and I also realized I had no right to, as I could not make that committment to him with my current life situations and my current life choices. That is not me giving away the responsibility, thats why I said situation AND choices.
I'm going to California soon for work. I wish I could visit the Sir I spoke of a minute ago instead, but this is important for my job. The good thing is I'll have a lot of alone time in my hotel room to reflect and relax. Part of me hopes he'll be around, so at the very least I can spend that weekend when I'm not in meetings acting as if I was His.
28 February 2011
On submission, sex, and lonliness
17 February 2011
What is loyalty?
I feel like in some ways the same is true. I have a submission nature and heart, but if im not "in submission" to someone directly, then what I am is someone who has a submissive nature navigating/struggling through life like a stray puppy. Maybe that'd be a more apt blog title "the stray puppy blog".
I have a very special person who is a dominant. Sometimes he even gives me commands of things to do, including one I'm working quite hard at in terms of my own personal health and fitness. But like my previous post on willfullness, I now recognize that some of my own urges and desires to have more contact and interaction with him are my own willfullness. I also recognize that I don't belong to him, and I haven't yet visited him to serve him. He has a life, a dog, and his own friends and subs who are able to visit him with more frequency than I. And sometimes I feel so unworthy to even ask for his attention....and other times I simply feel unworthy to speak to him. After I visit him that may change, or it may not work out. But sometimes I hope, and restrain myself from emailing or text messaging because that is willfulness and a desire to control things, something I should not be doing. I don't know...maybe it's simply me feeling discouraged with my own life and the way things are going. Regardless, I have obligations, the written ones and the unwritten ones. I fear sometimes I could disappear, not be online, not tweet or message and no one would notice. This isn't to say no one would care mind you. But when you don't see someone in person, we often assume their lives have become busy, and we'll see them when we see them. But I pray sometimes that when I make the house extra clean, or I push myself extra hard at the gym that I'm doing something to make him proud, even if I'm not in a proximity to him that he'd notice.
*edit* I re-read this the morning after I posted it, and a large part of me wanted to take it down. But that would be dishonest so I will leave it up. It's not that the feelings above are not real, but re-reading it makes me feel like it is whining, which has an end product of not being helpful. I also feel like one could read this and assume I was trying to induce a sense of guilt, which I was not trying to do at all. I just needed to get it out, off my chest. But it'd be dishonest to delete it in the harsh light of morning.
08 February 2011
The nature of willfulness
Sure, there are things I want. Things even I feel I might need. But asking for them has always been hard for me my entire life. Maybe it is a feeling of "I don't deserve them", or maybe its not trusting my own wants and needs and deferring to someone else to tell me what I want and need. I don't know if that's good for a submissive really. In each of the books I've read, I come up with very different answers. To some masters, the slaves act of saying "I would like ____, or I need _____" implies that the master did not do something he should have, or does not know what is best. It is seen as terribly disrespectful. To others, communication is key (something I have been trained in, oddly enough). Out of a fear of being disrespectful, I often keep my wants and needs to myself...then suffer in silence when I feel unfulfilled....and then ultimately feel shame for feeling unfulfilled when I should be happy with what I get. It's a vicious cycle. I wonder if other subs feel the same, or if that is more of my own dysfunction...
04 February 2011
Forgive my lack of a post
30 January 2011
My first contact with/about slavery and submission
He always wanted to play this "Batman and Robin" style game. He was always Batman, and I always WANTED to be Robin. Even as a child I knew this was odd. Everyone wanted to be Batman, no one wanted to be the sidekick, the one who always got captured and was the weaker of the two.
I remember one specific time when in the period of an afternoon of play, I got "captured" by the bad guy at least 4 times. I liked "struggling against" his bonds and having Batman saved me. I knew that it was probably weird, and he got frustrated with me always wanted to be captured. Maybe that's been a pattern in my life, that "rescue me!" kinda thing. Regardless, I love those kind of roleplays, still do. I just wish I had more experience being tied down and tortured with something nice and painful, only to be rescued by a dom who then sexes me up in return. *happy sigh*
22 January 2011
Onward to a new text
I was given a set of orders related to my working out at the gym and my overall diet and nutrition, which I am following. I was surprised that I received them to be honest, but more grateful than can be described. My workouts have taken on new meaning, as have my mealtimes. While my diet was usually dictated due to medical issues (which I was not asked to break), I find myself being more mindful of what I eat and how much, which makes me happy. My progress feels like it has more meaning now. Not going to the gym feels like I'm not living up to my potential, but going to the gym makes me feel safe because I'm doing exactly what I'm expected to do. I like it a lot. I want to make him proud. Even in things he'll never see or know about (like me cleaning the bathroom) brings my mind to a good place...a place where if the house looks good, or if I am well dressed, or my body looks in shape that it'll somehow bring him a sense of honor. I also feel a sense of pride in myself over it too. I don't know if anyone who may be reading this could understand that, but its there.
18 January 2011
Growing up, my parents had unclear and inconsistent expectations of me. My sibling could skate by with a C and got praise for passing, but I was criticized when I got an A-, or I got no response to my grades at all. So I pushed harder and harder and got straight A's, hoping that would do it, but it didn't. That's what I want I guess. I want expectations that are clear, consistent, and that I can follow. Maybe it's like that scene from the movie Shortbus, when Severin asks the main character about his time as a male sex worker.
Severin - "What's the most you ever made in one night?"
James - "389 bucks, with cab fare".
And she takes a polaroid of him and manipulates the photopaper...
He looks at it and begins to cry, saying that it was what he missed about being a sex worker. "I knew then what I was worth".
That's not to say that I think I'm worthless or anything like that. But it is an interesting quote in that I think some of us want to know what others think of us, what they expect from us, and what we are worth to them. Because left to our own devices, we wouldn't think we were worth 20 bucks half the time. Maybe it is that whole thing of wanting someone to be totally honest with you, so they can't come back later and manipulate your photo. I don't know.
15 January 2011
On disappointment and regrets
Regardless of what I could have done, a conversation with a friend the other day really made me think. He said from the standpoint of self-esteem, wanting to be a submissive in ALL aspects of a relationship is what gets me into the unfortunate relationships I often see myself in. The relationships are loving to be sure, but the problem is that the M/s D/s aspect of it fades away so quickly, and then there is a relationship where my needs arn't getting met yet I'm expected to do what I'm told. That wouldn't be so bad if the double standard wasn't there. I don't know...it got me thinking to be sure. I haven't figured it out yet.
08 January 2011
More personal than a book review
On the way back from the gym the other evening, my friend was waxing poetically about his upcoming weekly trip to visit his master in Seattle. I remarked I was a bit jealous, and he did his typical "Nah" and tried to downplay all of the wonderful things he has and what goes on in his life. He really does have a pretty good position in life, makes good money, nice car, good relationship and popularity, blah blah...regardless, he said "Why don't you just come with me and get what you want?" During out chat, he laughed and mussed my hair and said "Aww...someone wants a contract doesn't he?" And I admitted I did, but that my relationship would not be open to that. We talked about this, but it brought into the forefront the section I was reading that day on Protocol and expectations in power dynamics.
The author mentioned things like always having his slave available via cell phone, and differentiating between orders, commands, and instructions. This intrigued me.
A request is "please bring me some coffee"
An order is "Be ready at 7pm, wearing this outfit, and make sure my boots are polished"
An instruction is "This is an instruction - You are to keep the interior of your car as if it just came off of the showroom floor. You will have it washed weekly prior to Noon on Saturday, and at no time will I enter your car if I see clutter in it"
This made me squirm in my seat. In my subby brain, its the stuff that dreams are made of. Having clear expectations that are consistant, reliable, that I will have clear punishments or corrections if I mess up...I want that so badly. To have memorized how to make Sir's favorite alcoholic beverage and have Sir say "Make me a drink pup" and expect it to be just so. My friend has a contract with his master that requires him to work out at the gym, not to eat certain things (like fried food) and to limit himself to a certain numbers of sodas, or to only drink certain hard liquor because it is the kind his master likes. This is the stuff that in many ways I want. To have to report in with what I did or didn't do.
I always wondered if I lived alone if I'd have someone I'd have to keep the place clean for, even if they never entered it. Sometimes when I clean the house here, I'll pretend someone has ordered me to do it just so, and I always do so much better...even though no one at home even notices when I mow the grass or clean the house. I wish they did. I want to be good. I really do.
(off topic) - Check out the BDSM/kink in this video by 30 Seconds to Mars. I love it.
04 January 2011
Power Exchange versus Authority Exchange
Essentially, power exchange is when the Dominant accepts power given to him by the submissive, and the submissive gives up his power to the Dominant. When the submissive is away from the Dominant, he is free to resume control of his personal world. This is very different than authority exchange, which he defines as the basis of an M/s relationship. The slave permanently (or at least during the contracted period) gives up authority over himself to the Master. This authority covers willful decisions. The Master and slave can negotiate exceptions (for example, if the slave has a career and must make decisions without time to consult the Master), but overall, the slave no longer controls many decisions in his life as a point of reference.
This is different than I'm used to, as I don't think I've really ever lived in a way that I could do this. (Example: one would need to live alone, or with the Master for that to work). But I don't think I agree totally with his D/s dynamic issues. There is a person in my life I often think "What would he want me to do..." before I make a willful decision. Granted, I rarely ask him as to not bother him, and because I am not in a position where I can give to him what he deserves. But the thoughts are still there. I never really thought of it as "When the Dom is away, the subbies will play" kind of thing. Again, it all comes down to contracts though, and negotiating what each individual wants out of a situation. I just thought it was interesting.
"A slave eats, sleeps, washes, exercises, takes medication, and so on in order to remain healthy and available for service. slaves labor at tasks assigned by their Master or hold an outside job so that they can contribute to the Master's household and not be a financial burden. Anything a slave is allowed to do for personal gratification is a gift from their Master, not a right. When this aspect of slave heart is realized, slaves start to find peace in their lives". (Rubel, 2008, pg 24-25).
Now clearly this is an intense example of living. But to be honest, the idea of that is an erotic one to say the least. A while ago (a few years) I had long hair. Very long hair actually. And prior to cutting it I asked my partner what he thought, what he wanted my hair to look like, style, ect. He said he didn't care, that it was my hair and I should do with it what I wanted. He sometimes gets frustrated because I'll ask him how I could dress that he'd enjoy, or if there was something I could do to better myself for him. Most times I get that same response, to do what I want. That response is upsetting, but most upsetting is the "I don't care" response. I have a roommate who is very involved in the leather community, and is a puppy to a master who lives out of state. He visits him almost every weekend though. My roommate approached me, asking me if I'd proofread his contract he wrote with his Master, as well as telling me week in and week out all the fun things he and his Master do. I guess I'm telling this story because his Master has very specific things he seeks from him.
Things like going to the gym regularly to muscle up and get in better shape. Things like not eating certain types of foods because they are bad for him, or wearing certain types of underwear, chastity devices, ect. All of these things are hard for me to listen to, and yet I do...because even though its hard to hear because I'm jealous, I want to hear because it in a way offers me a chance to live vicariously through his experiences. Maybe that is sad. I don't really know. I've been going to the gym with my roommate since November, and I am seeing improvements in my body (muscle, strength, stamina, ect). But I long to have someone hold me accountable for it. Right now I try to go for myself, to feel better about myself. But that often doesn't feel enough. I want someone to hold me accountable for when I slip up, and to give me purpose and direction for when I do well.
03 January 2011
A first post
You may call me puppy, pup, boy, fuckpup, whatever you'd like. I'd just be greatful someone read it. For a long time I kept paper journals that included sexual wishes and desires, but I never could post them to my main blog out of concern for privacy and a feeling that most of my friends wouldn't understand. I hope this is a remedy to that.
To introduce myself, I am in my mid 20's, gay, and hold a post-graduate degree. I am currently in a long term relationship (going on well over four years now) who is not into D/s, M/s or any sort of BDSM. This blog also is being started because my boyfriend does not wish to explore this with me, and seems very against it. So in the meantime, this blog helps me sort through my thoughts and desires, and gives me a place to air feelings. I will have a longer post soon, but I figured an intro post would be a good starter.